Proposal for a security model for a popular voting system process in Latin America

Segundo Moisés Toapanta Toapanta, Allan Fabricio German Diaz, Darío Fernando Huilcapi Subia, Luis Enrique Mafla Gallegos

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

3 Citas (Scopus)


In Latin America, there is a need for better security systems in different national or sectional votes, which is why this study was carried out, to show a proposal for a security model that helps to obtain better results and to this purpose has been selected information on the database for different Latin American countries, it has also been considered descriptive aspects and with a quantitative approach, to provide an objective livelihood. It has been intended to identify several security requirements that give confidence to citizens. Currently in Latin America studies continue to be carried out on technological systems for electronic voting and their real effectiveness in different countries, and then improve or implement them. Not all have come to implement it completely but in part due precisely to the demands it demands, also because of the limited information and because there are few related studies on these issues. The growth of technology and its easy access has allowed it to be used in different areas and politics is no exception, which is why different modalities of electronic voting have been implemented so that they can reduce some failures that are maintained in the traditional voting system. In conclusion, it is noted that voters need to know better about the new systems applicable to counting, it encourages individual reinsurance, which does not reveal the identity of the voter, as well as transparency, easy access information and auditability. Awareness is suggested about the use of electronic voting and the benefits it brings without also excluding negative factors because there is not totally secure and reliable digital voting system. Citizen participation must go hand in hand with political decision-making, so that processes are transparent, and results are protected. With all these criteria it can be noted that it is necessary to consider a comprehensive electronic security model that guarantees that reliability and integrity of the secret election vote, bearing in mind that the purpose is to reduce and prevent errors.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)53-60
Número de páginas8
PublicaciónAdvances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems
EstadoPublicada - 1 ene. 2019
Publicado de forma externa


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