Feeder configuration and coordination of protections for an electric substation

Pablo Parra, David Cardenas, Nino Vega, Esteban Valencia, Ervin Solano

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaCapítulo

3 Citas (Scopus)


The present work carries out the load distribution and the protection coordination study of the Sambocity Substation. After carrying out the electrical survey of the medium voltage networks and collecting the system data, the power flow analysis is carried out under current and future conditions, both in maximum and minimum demand, which will provide relevant information on the voltage levels in the bars, consumption and chargeability of the elements of the system, the short circuit analysis in 69kV bar and 13.8kV of the substation is carried out, providing three-phase fault currents, line-line, line-line-ground, line-earth, which will serve to make the adjustments and coordination of protections of the substation, all this through the ETAP Software, which allows engineering studies to power electrical systems. It also verifies that the equipment of the Substation is able to withstand the levels of failure and clear it.


ConferenciaIEEE ICA-ACCA 2018 - IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0 - Proceedings
Período10/01/19 → …


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