Elementos Epistemológicos para la Comprensión Integral del Quehacer Tecno Científico Contemporáneo

Translated title of the contribution: Epistemological Elements for the Comprehensive Understanding of the Contemporary Techno-Scientific Task

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


It can be affirmed that contemporary technoscience, with its theoretical successes and its praxeological forcefulness, is still disarticulated from the systemic whole of science and, ultimately, from the whole of human life. It is from this observation that a challenge is detected for epistemology and for human reason itself, to investigate and contribute with a theoretical proposal, with applicative and practical possibilities, resulting in the epistemic and methodological integration of other rationalities in scientific work, to achieve the expansion of the same techno-scientific rationality and, ultimately, the rationalization of human lifestyles, resulting in a more authentic welfare for its integrality and sustainability over time.
Translated title of the contributionEpistemological Elements for the Comprehensive Understanding of the Contemporary Techno-Scientific Task
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Title of host publicationImplicaciones Antropológicas y filosóficas de la Tecno-ciencia
PublisherEditorial Universitaria Abya-Yala
Number of pages29
ISBN (Print)978-9978-10-377-7
StatePublished - 17 Jul 2019

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 322A Philosophy


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